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The 5 Best Brain Foods to Keep Your Brain Healthy

To support the health of your brain, you need to give it the proper nutrients and stimulation. It’s been proven that lifestyle and daily habits have a tremendous impact on senior health. So don’t increase your risk of cognitive decline. Stay …
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Successful Aging: What It Means for Older Adults

It’s a term you’ve probably heard, but what is successful aging? The most common definition for successful aging is: avoiding disease and disability, being physically and mentally active, and being socially engaged. Does successful aging come down to just luck …
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Why Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay Is One of the Best Places To Live

As you’ve no doubt discovered throughout your life, the best places to live are the ones that support your lifestyle and plans for the future. Once the kids have started their own lives and your career no longer dictates where …
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A promotional image for an event series called New Horizons Series held January through March at Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay. The event focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Includes an RSVP button.